January 01, 2016
What Do You Believe?
“How, let me ask, have you believed vain fables, and supposed animals to be charmed by music; while Truth’s shining face alone, as would seem, appears to you disguised, and…
“How, let me ask, have you believed vain fables, and supposed animals to be charmed by music; while Truth’s shining face alone, as would seem, appears to you disguised, and…
Where is the practice of introspection regarding one’s fruit found in the bible? … As I search I find the concept of fruit associated with obedience, God’s will, God’s provision and blessing, walking in the Spirit, seeking God, abiding in Christ, …
Something as simple as a household chore can teach important life lessons. There are no aspects of who we are, or what we do, from which we cannot learn and apply to our relationship with the Creator …
Music is mentioned in Genesis and Revelation, the first and last books of the bible. There are more than 300 references, including song, songs, sing, musician, play (in a musical sense) and related references.
For the Christian and non-Christian alike, faith is common. A biblical definition of faith is provided by the writer of Hebrews: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,…
Count me in that group that considers the object of faith more important than the holder of faith. Philosopher theologians have spent careers studying and writing about faith, of examining,…