Comment Rules

  1. After your first comment is approved, your future comments may appear automatically. Permission to comment may be revoked at anytime.
  2. This blog is not a venue for negative emotion. Comments that do not meet blog guidelines are usually not approved nor allowed posting. They are removed unless posting them would otherwise serve to further the blog’s goals and mission.Rules Red Marker
  3. The best means of avoiding hitting the screen is avoiding offensive and objectionable language and to have zero but in no case more than one hyperlink in your comments.
  4. Where opportunity arises, we attempt to review a portion of spam classified comments and pull out valid comments.
  5. It is not a fruitful idea for your first post to ridicule or insult the authors, readers, or editors of this blog. Comments so targeted are commonly blocked from posting. Usually their authors are identified and blocked.
  6. Neither is it fruitful to ridicule, insult or otherwise hinder other individuals or groups of Christians.
  7. This website is devoted to logical and rational discussion. Violations of classical rules of logic are cause for redaction or discarding of comments. Common violations include Personal attacks (ad hominem), ignoring the issue, irrelevant conclusions, ad populum arguments, vagueness and ambiguity of terms, straw man arguments, fallacy of composition/fallacy of division and other logical fallacies and blunders.
  8. Inappropriate analogies are also discouraged and it is recommended one understand and avoid the common practices behind Godwin’s Law. Comments that do not meet blog guidelines are usually discarded.
  9. The goal of this website is to seek truth, distill and refine truth, and proclaim truth when it is found. In the case comments identify fallacy on the part of blog content, correcting comments may be posted along with thanks and credit for identifying error. Corresponding corrections to the blog will generally be made coincident with such postings.
  10. In cases where errors and fallacies are identified in a disrespectful way, changes will likely be made to the blog in a quiet manner with no credit provided.
  11. In the case of fallacious reasoning in comments, be it overt or subtle, this blog may take the opportunity to demonstrate incorrect reasoning in comments posted on this blog. The blogmaster reserves the right to post such comments with rebuttal commentary also posted. It is the intent of this blog to educate and inform, not embarrass commenters. Any embarrassment is incidental. It is normal and expected that given the nature of blogging that commenters understand and accept such risks when commenting.
  12. Your email address, the screen name you use, and your IP number are identifiable. Readers can only see your screen name and any link to your web page you elect to provide. Although comments containing potentially libelous comments are often blocked, you are legally responsible for them should we fail to block them.
  13. Please use a valid email address. If we find it is a fake or disguised, you will not be allowed to post again. We try to email a new commenter before their comment is allowed through to see if we have a valid address. If we detect or suspect that false or masked email addresses are utilized then comments will be deleted.
  14. Note that spam, which we hope you will never see on this blog, is an ever-present problem for all blogs. This site fully utilizes automated spam detection tools with all options at the tightest settings. Accordingly, comments may end up designated by the filtering system as spam and deleted automatically.cartoon sheep



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