Christian Walk
Ringing True
“Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.” (Psalm 86:11, NASB95)
Sometimes a speaker or author presents a new thought that rings true. The thought just clicks, a light goes on, an aha moment is prompted. This may be most appreciated and welcomed when a way which one was thinking wrongly is corrected. This can happen solely within the intellect, but sometimes this can also be felt in the spirit. It may well be an indication that one is not led by my spirit at the time, or walking in God’s Spirit, that it takes the intellect performing checks against the thinking of others to determine that correction is in order. Whatever the process, when it comes to truth that is one arena where the end is perhaps as important as the means. The Christian can be very thankful that both the mind and spirit are operating sufficiently to register discord. Is it that it is that the soul, the flesh, is still in charge yet choosing the spirit over the flesh through sheer discipline and desire? Does it make a difference?
God created man with intellect and reason. God also breathed spirit into man, and regenerates his spirit when a man turns to Christ and away from the world. He gives every Christian His Holy Spirit to dwell in man and seal him until his redemption. He didn’t create these parts of man to necessarily war, though certainly they do both in fallen man as well as the regenerate. Whatever God’s purpose, and who can say why God chooses to do anything unless He has told us by His word, a feature of man’s design is that if one or more components misfire, there is still capacity to operate. If the mind, spirit, or will fail to function properly man can still go on. As long as a man lives there is opportunity for repair. His word instructs in Deuteronomy:
““On the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses, he who is to die shall be put to death; he shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness.” (Deuteronomy 17:6, NASB95)
Every person has two internal witnesses (at least) that provide feedback and opportunity for correction. These can work to keep or return the pilgrim to their proper place in existence, and incredibly, in eternity. God’s plan of salvation is a clear and simple concept supported by more evidence and rationality than any model of the universe that man has attempted to formulate. God’s written word is evidence that He is and who He is. And true to His word, He has not provided only one witness. Scripture cites several ways He declares His glory, that He communicates with man. God speaks through His creation, His prophets, His written Word, His messengers, His Son, and His Spirit.
There are many ways to know a note rings true. A tuning fork can provide that confirmation, but so can harmonics. One need not hear an identical note but can detect error in pitch by listening to the other notes in a chord. Praise God for His plan, His orchestration of creation, and His creatures that are mankind. Thank Him for creating us strong, like a multi corded rope, with strength that comes from cohesion. He created man with a body, a mind and a spirit that can work together; He designed us to live in families where together parents can nurture us to maturity. He planned for us to live in community, in fellowships, where we can leverage individual strength and provide even more capacity, more strength.
Could God have made man differently? Certainly, He is God, He is infinite. But He didn’t, and He is God, and He is perfect. I choose His way. I measure truth on how it fits with His plan. I want to make sound that adds to His composition.
Man is not always self correcting, for man is not designed to operate in stand-alone mode. Man was designed for fellowship.