Christian Walk
Count me in that group that considers the object of faith more important than the holder of faith. Philosopher theologians have spent careers studying and writing about faith, of examining, describing, and defining what faith is and how it works. Such writings can be interesting and thought provoking. Such thinking can certainly help one understand faith. Man’s thinking in these matters is certainly important particularly as it impacts his will. Man’s will is a critically important component in salvation. But it is the object of man’s faith that is of primary significance; it is God’s faithfulness which is the source of our salvation. Man’s faith can and does fall short, yet he can still be saved. It is the faithfulness of God that empowers salvation. With regard to faith and salvation — it is not that man can be faithful and thereby secure salvation and eternal life in the presence of God — but that through faith a man is granted the capacity to be a child of God, a benefactor of God’s faithfulness. For we know that salvation is not of man but of God.
Man isn’t required to build perfect understanding of the workings of faith in order to be saved. Man is only required to believe, acknowledge, to repent (to change direction), and confess (speak and act in accordance with belief). In other words, to accept and live in accordance with God’s truth and plan.
Placing oneself into a vehicle and traveling down narrow roadways at 6o mph while at the same time other like minded persons do the same thing in the opposite direction is an exercise of faith. Vehicle occupants have faith that totally unknown persons will stay on their side of a narrow roadway. If either vehicle crosses into the other’s side of the road at the wrong time an impact at a closure speed of 120 miles per hour results with devastating effect. When it happens, and it does occur, the result is too frequently life ending. One’s decision to travel by auto is based upon faith in: (a) the vehicle and its steering system, its tires, it’s safety systems; and like competency in other vehicles on the road, (b) the competency of other drivers, their benevolent intentions, or at least lack of malevolence of other motorists; (c) the constancy of the laws of physics, of momentum, of gravity, and (d) other outside forces, not considered in (a), (b) or (c). It is not one’s faith that saves one from near instantaneous deceleration and death, it is that the objects of the faith are faithful, follow the rules, and stay on their own side which allows each to pass the other safely on a two lane road.
Thank you Lord, for your love, your faithfulness, your patience, your care. Thank you for your plan and wisdom.