Site Mission
It is the mission of this blog to bring glory to God who is the Creator of this planet, the universe, and of man.
This mission is undertaken in the context of knowledge, faith, trust and belief that man is indeed created by God, the God of the Bible, and the God of Abraham, Moses, David, John the Baptist, the Apostle John, Jesus Christ, the Apostle Peter, and the Apostle Paul. This is possible because God provided man with His word; including through the person of Jesus Christ, through whom all was created, who came to earth to finish God’s plan of salvation for men as a man, the incarnate Word of God; and the Holy Spirit who inspires God’s word in men.
Comments and thoughts from others are welcome, including comments that correct statements and thoughts which are incorrect, misleading, overstated or simply poorly worded. All such comments are encouraged. Other thoughts and writings that bring glorify God are welcome as well. The site’s mission is to focus on God not on any man.
Comments of derisive nature regarding the character, motives, or intelligence of others are not viewed as helpful and are not welcome on this site. God loves the whole world, and respects men enough that He sent His Son to redeem and save men. Fostering proper respect and honor for all His creation is fitting policy for a blog with a mission to glorify Him.
This blog considers man’s efforts to glorify God as well as his response when he recognizes God’s glory. This is most often found when manifest by called men and women following the Good Shepherd. The mission of this blog includes reporting the bleating of sheep. It is written by a sheep for other sheep as well as others with interest in eternal and spiritual truth.